Olive Pomace Oil Healthier for Indians

A new study from India just goes to show you that even using one ingredient from the Mediterranean diet can have several health benefits. According to a recent study conducted by the Diabetes Foundation India  and the National Diabetes, Obesity & Cholesterol Foundation, Indians with metabolic problems experienced significant health benefits when they used olive pomace oil instead of other oils for their cooking (I reported about it in Olive Oil Times). This shows how incorporating certain components of the Mediterranean diet such as olive oil can provide some benefits. So make that first step today: get rid of all those other cooking oils and use olive oil.

Photo Credit: Sunlit Oil by Brian Caldwell

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  1. I m using olive pomace oil does it have any adverse effect on health
    Should I stop using it?? Or is it better than other oils like groundnut and sunflower that we get in the market??

    1. Vikas,
      Olive pomace oil does not contain the antioxidants of regular olive oil and as a result not the health benefits either. The study is basically showing how it is a better alternative to oils that are not high in monounsaturated fats. Sunflower oil is not high in the good monounsaturated fats.

  2. Thanks for the article . Can you pls provide a link / details on the study conducted by the Diabetes Foundation India and the National Diabetes, Obesity & Cholesterol Foundation . This will be useful as I would like to switch over to olive pomace for daily consumption .

  3. I m using olive pomace oil does it have any adverse effect on health
    Should I stop using it?? Or is it better than other oils like groundnut and sunflower that we get in the market??

  4. Nikhil, Thank you for your comment. The study cited compares olive pomace oil to other oils that contained low levels of monounsaturated fats. Obviously pomace olive oil, apart from the monounsaturated fats does not have the health benefits of extra virgin olive oil.

    1. Being honest, those studies proving that pomace oil is almost poisonous are sponsored by Virgin Oil lobby (in Spain & Italy). Common sense is to have both botles (even more oils like sunflower or canola) in your kitchen. Are you preparing salad? Please use the EXTRA extra virgin. Extra virgin used for roasting a steak will destroy the taste of meat. 60% of Extra Virgin unsaturated fatty acids exposed to 500C turns into something with zero health benefits. The other 40% turns into guess-what substances that could be even dangerous. The best analogy is the fresh butter and the ghí. You probably wont spread the ghí on your breakfest toast, but there is good reason why to use it while cooking.