Cantaloupe – Feta Bites


It is really hot in Athens these days, it reminds me of the vacations we would take every summer in Greece. My first memories of Athens is when we stepped out of that plane, you could feel the heat hitting your skin. We were so happy to be there that we didn’t mind the heat or the smog, we were in Greece! And in those days there really wasn’t air conditioning either, so you experienced a real summer not a sheltered one. In the evenings we would sleep with the balcony doors open and some people would even sleep out on their balconies, yes even in Athens. And with this heat fruit is the only thing you want to eat … and yes maybe a little cheese. Which is what we are eating today.

While you often hear about watermelon and feta-actually its become pretty popular nowadays, my mom tells me that in fact where she was from (Arcadia) it was more common to eat cantaloupe with feta or grapes with feta, rather than watermelon.

Cheese and fruit along with some bread was often a meal especially for the evening, among those who could not afford much else. And while they would have wanted something “better” in fact this simple meal is well balanced. Protein and fat from the cheese and good carbs from the fruit and the bread. In addition you get the antioxidants and vitamins, in this case cantaloupe is an excellent source of vitamin A, c, beta-carotene and antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin. So nutritionally speaking a pretty good meal. But taste-wise as well, cantaloupe is a perfect accompaniment to the tangy and salty feta.

Here I cut the melon in cubes and topped it with smaller pieces of feta. And it makes a nice appetizer.

Cantaloupe – Feta Bites


  • Cantaloupe
  • Feta

1. Cut the cantaloupe in cubes.

2. Place on plate and top with feta.

3. Pierce with toothpicks.

Photo by Elena Paravantes

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  1. I second that! Cantaloupe, enriched with Vitamin A, is highly nutritious and ensure several healthy benefits. And then in a hot summer noon, nothing is as better than then cantaloupe-Feta delight 🙂 Thanks for sharing your experience in Athens!

  2. I’ ve just made a salad from watermelon and feta – it’s also freaking hot in Poland now – I’ve really liked it. It’s good to now that I can also pair feta with cantaloupe or grapes.